Webinář se bude konat dne 28.5.2024 ve 14:00 SELČ.
- Introduction (Paula Toroi)
- XMM technology before and today (Sören Sturesson, RTI, Sweden)
- Current situations and need for updates:
- Relevant IEC standards (Wesley Culberson, IEC, USA)
- International code of practice IAEA TRS-457 (Zakithi Msimang, IAEA)
- Regulations on X-ray imaging dosimetry (Jenia Vassileva, Bulgaria)
- Medical Physics perspective (Olivera Ciraj Bjelac, IAEA)
- Calibration laboratory perspective (Helen Khoury, UFPE, Brazil)
- Current efforts for improvement (Paula Toroi)
- Q&A
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